An Update from the National Healthcare Safety Network on Hospital Antibiotic Stewardship Programs in the United States, 2014-2021

  05 January 2024

In 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released the Core Elements of Hospital Antibiotic Stewardship Programs (ASPs) and began monitoring uptake through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Annual Hospital Survey. In 2019, CDC updated the Core Elements and in 2022 released the Priorities for Hospital Core Element Implementation. We describe Core Element uptake from 2014 to 2021, provide a snapshot of specific ASP practices in acute care hospitals in 2021, and describe how we plan to monitor stewardship moving forward.

With nearly all acute care hospitals reporting uptake of the seven Core Elements in 2021, and with more evidence for which ASP practices are most effective, the Priorities for Hospital Core Element Implementation were released in 2022 to help enhance the quality and impact of existing antibiotic stewardship programs.

Author(s): Erin N O’Leary, MPH et al
Effective Surveillance  


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Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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